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the surprising Science Of Happiness At Work

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About the webinar

For the first time in human history we have actual research and data on what makes people happier and more successful in life and at work.

It would be almost criminally stupid not to study this research and apply it in out workplaces. Sadly, many workplaces are blind to all of these studies and consequently, they waste so much time and money on well-being initiatives that are doomed to fail.

Watch our 30-minute webinar And learn the 5 most important findings from the happiness research that are relevant for workplaces. Topics include:

  • The top 5 findings from positive psychology that are relevant to workplaces
  • How to apply these findings in practice
  • Pitfalls to avoid, including an overfocus on happiness
  • Examples from great workplaces who have successfully applied these ideas
  • 5 specific, simple ideas you can try in your organization

5 responses to “Webinar: Positive psychology”

  1. Damoun Avatar

    It would be so attractive to attend at your class.

  2. PeterF Avatar

    How exactly do emotions affect our performance? Why should how you feel affect how well you work.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Is there a risk in overfocusing on happiness? Can it become too much?

  4. Christel Waerie Avatar
    Christel Waerie

    When you launch a new idea – you get people joining, but how can you assure this continu?

    1. alexander Avatar

      Great question – sorry I missed it during the webinar. You can make people continue to show interest in two ways:
      1: Show that it’s working. Find positive examples and show how it makes work easier and more fun.
      2: Celebrate those who make it work. Make sure to find teams or people who buy in to the idea and support it and share those good stories.

      In my previous webinar I talked about how to get management buy in for these initatives: https://woohooinc.com/events/business-benefits/

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See a list of the business books that have inspired us the most about happiness at work.